Please download and print these forms. The three forms that ar required are: Office Policies and Client Information Sheet. The HIPPA form is for your information and to inform you of your rights to privacy of your Personal Health Information (PHI). Complete the required information and bring the forms to your first session.

If you prefer, you may fax the forms to the office ahead of your session. This will allow for the verification of insurance information. My fax number is 541-471-8841. If you have questions after reading the papers, please feel free to call. I look forward to serving you.

If your computer does not use Microsoft Word®, you may use the PDF file for Adobe Reader®.

Office Policies (PDF, 14K)

Symptoms Checklist (Word, 41K)

Symptoms Checklist (PDF, 36K)

Zung Depression Screening (PDF, 68K)